• 供应商信息
  • Real Estate 管理istration
  • Information for Suppliers


    最大的博彩平台大学(UC)中央采购部负责整个大学的货物和服务采购, including Uptown West, Uptown East (Academic 健康 Center) and Reading Campuses, UC蓝灰, 和正规博彩平台克莱蒙分校. Expenditures exceed three hundred and twenty five million dollars annually.

    Since the university must provide for administrative, 学术, 医疗, 研究, and individual student needs, almost every product and service imaginable is purchased. UC将继续遵循OMB通告A-110的采购要求,并将利用统一指南中允许的宽限期.



    1. 我们建议您在拜访任何“用户”部门之前先访问中央采购部. 请打电话或发电子邮件预约,以确保合适的买家在办公室和可用.
    2. When calling the university's 学术, 医疗, 研究 or service departments, always visit their business manager unless requested to do otherwise.
    3. Make each call of maximum value to the university and to the firm you represent. Do you have any new products? Are there changes taking place in your industry? What is likely to happen to the price of your products within the next few months? What ideas can you give us that would save us money?


    In order for a supplier to be added to the university’s vendor file the online Vendor Registration form 必须提交.

    Note: This process merely registers the vendor with the university.  It does not give the vendor an "approved" or "preferred" status, 它也不能取代中央采购根据金额征求投标的需要.

    Bidding and Quotations


    UC conducts two kinds of written bid openings:

    • 非正式投标-这些是日期和时间戳在收到和表格后的到期日. They are not opened in the presence of bidders.
    • Formal Bids - Also called "sealed bids.这些都附有一个蓝色的信封,投标人可以在其中提交报价. 正式投标在当地报纸上刊登广告,并在指定的日期和时间开始. 它们在任何希望出席的人面前打开,可以大声朗读,也可以不大声朗读. Award decisions are not always announced at that time.
    • 对裁决的抗议-任何对裁决的抗议应在48小时内直接向买方提出. Verbal protests alone are insufficient and will not warrant further investigation. 所有抗议信必须包含构成抗议信基础的事实和理由的陈述. 供应商被保证,任何书面抗议的提交将被及时调查和礼貌地回答.



    为方便供应商,学校设有中央收发中心. Each contract will identify the address.

    在大量货物(卡车或重型物品)或需要您安装的设备的情况下, 运送车辆在前往最终目的地之前,必须在接收中心停车,让验证商店的店员上车.


    最大的博彩平台大学在环境管理和经济繁荣方面扮演着领导者的角色. 作为这项工作的一部分,它试图将可持续发展的概念融入其项目中. 大学行政部门的领导通过其职责范围(如辅助操作)为可持续发展做出贡献, information technology, 体系结构, 建设, 包括, 建设维护, 设备, transportation and fleet management.

    UC中央采购鼓励优先选择质量良好的环保产品, 函数, and cost are equal to or better than more traditional products. 公用事业的UC发电系统已经转变为使用更环保的燃料并减少碳排放,  UC 建设 standards require sustainable products to be used in its buildings. Energy Star products dominate the 设备 purchased. 指定车队车辆以确保大学达到燃油效率和多样化的目标, University Duplicating uses recycled paper or SFI certified products when possible. 该大学的食品服务和文具供应合同包括对绿色产品的要求和偏好的具体部分.

    采购建立了校园社区的意识,以便各部门制定可持续发展目标,并相应地指定产品和服务. 最有可能最大化这些机会的采购类别包括:1)能源管理, 2)耗材, 3)设施, 4)灯, 5)清洁用品, 6) disposal services 7) transportation, and 8) professional services. 在某些情况下, purchasing sets the sustainability guidelines; in other cases the departments for which the purchases are made recommend the specifications.

    根据2019年可持续发展和气候行动计划以及“来世在此”的战略方向, 最大的博彩平台大学指导各个部门指定产品,以促进对环境更有利的产品的考虑. Depending on the product these requirements many include:

    • Energy saving, such as ENERGY STAR and EPEAT certified products
    • 回收的内容
    • Credit requirements set by LEED (leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
    • Reusable, refillable packaging
    • Green Seal, Ecologo certified or other independent ecolabeling certifications
    • Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification
    • Electronic and paperless processes and web-based catalogs
    • Certification that sweat shop labor not be used
    • Purchase local and/or organic produce when possible

    Please consider these interests in exploring your offerings with university staff.


    • Never supply goods or services without a bona fide purchase order.
    • Never present any kind of contract, 承诺, 销售订单, agreement or legal document to anyone outside this department for signature. 其他人没有被我们的董事会授权签署任何形式的购买协议,他们的签署只会使你的文件无效.
    • 永远不要借设备或执行设计服务的期望,你会收到订单没有竞争. 我们鼓励您在新设备添加到您的产品线时进行沟通和演示. 然而, in no case will a demonstration, explanation or loan of 设备 be considered as obligatory on the university. Competitive bids will be obtained if the decision to purchase is made. 如果您的出价被大学确定为最低和最好,您将收到订单.

    对于我方试用超过三十(30)天的单元,贵方应收取租金. 如果贵公司没有确定租金,我们建议按单位价值的1/60计算. Rental payments must be applicable to any subsequent purchase. (在超过30天的试用期内,大学部门必须向我们申请确认和处理此发票. Remember, if we decide to buy, competition will be obtained.)

    这种“无义务协助政策”也必须事先与印刷商了解, 商业形式的供应商和其他供应商提供预先的设计协助,作为正常的辅助征集. Assistance provides exposure, not 承诺.

    When competitively bid, the university will not pay for printing overruns. Otherwise, overruns and underruns must be limited to 5 percent.

    If this policy will cause a hardship for you in any way, please ask to see the Associate VP of 采购 before a problem occurs.