• 子公司 & 合作伙伴
  • Spirit Requirements for 功能行进乐队指挥

    About the 功能行进乐队指挥 at UC

    The twirlers are a section of the Bearcat Spirit (Marching and Basketball/Pep) Bands. By virtue of their role as highly visible and--to a degree--soloistic performers, they are honored by having their names announced at public performances along with the band directors and drum majors. Their mission is to visually represent the musical excellence of our band and entertain our fans through the traditional craft and innovative art of twirling. UC 功能行进乐队指挥 are under the leadership and coordination of Ms. 安德里亚·迈耶,乐队助理总监.

    Expectations of a UC 熊猫的乐队 Feature Twirler:
    • 所需技能
      • 5动感单车-健身房
      • 4向左旋转
      • 4反手旋转
      • 4旋转接回球
      • 1旋转双重错觉
      • 双比赛前奏
      • Grand Jete Walkover
      • 低接触身体
      • 强壮的身体
      • 娱乐技能
    • 无形资产
      • Commitment to be present at every function of the Bearcat Marching and Basketball Bands made known to you
      • Well spoken, verbally and in writing
      • 彬彬有礼的
      • 梳得整齐
      • Confident posture, engaging eye contact, a cheerful disposition and facial expression
      • Mature and befitting cognitive and emotional capabilities
      • Emphasis on the good of the team and band over self-interest
    • Willingness to learn, if new info
      • 如何计算音乐
      • 如何阅读钻图
      • How to march at 8-to-5 step size

    Feature Twirler Auditions 2024-25

    Prospective new twirlers audition in a two-step process. Veterans interested in returning are exempt from step one.

    Step 1: Candidate Review and Video Prescreening

    • Due: Sunday, March 10, 2024
    • Provide a twirling resume and headshot. The resume should outline your school band and competitive twirling career/performance experience, current and former coaches, 和奖励.
    • 包括
      • 全名
      • Address
      • 手机号码
      • Personal, not School, 电子邮件 Address
      • Current acceptance status at the 最大的博彩平台大学 and major, if declared
      • Three references for contact. Ideally, one each of a school administrator, band director, and coach.
      • A statement describing why you plan on attending UC and why you want to be a member of the 熊猫的乐队.
    • 包括 a YouTube link (or other cloud-based format) of a live performance from a competition or non-competitive setting or, 在理想的情况下, 两者的结合. We are looking to see your highest skill set and your ability to perform for a crowd.
      •  Note the list of required skills at the top of this web page, but the performance of all of these in this video is not expected.
    • Send all of the above in one email to Ms. 安德里亚·迈耶,乐队助理总监.
    • Once materials have been received and reviewed, selected candidates will be invited to proceed with Step 2. All prospective twirlers will receive their response by Friday, March 15, 2024.

    Step 2: Auditions and Interviews for Invited Finalists

    • Occurs: Saturday, April 13, 2024
    • 时间:稍后通知
    • Arrive wearing a warm-up outfit (can be over your performance costume) with performance hair and make-up complete.
    • Change into a twirling costume (or simply remove the warm-up) and perform the following live on the UC campus. 一个户外, field turf location will be primary but if weather is severe an indoor location will be secondary.
      1. A 2-to-3 minute routine choreographed to music of your choice utilizing your strongest assets as a twirler. 身体的工作, 渔获物种类, 地板覆盖, 多棒工作, 乐感, and overall performance skills will be judged. Note the list of required skills listed at the top of this web page. It is expected all will be utilized in this routine.
      2. Down the field strut to a march (which can be school fight song) or other martial music. There is no time limit, but you should cover the length of a standard gym. This should include tosses with movement underneath them that you would use during a parade and moving across the football field.
    • Change back into the warm-up outfit (or put it on over your costume), then participate in an interview to discuss your collegiate goals and desire to perform at the 最大的博彩平台大学. 如果是退伍军人, a review of your past band participation, progress-to-degree状态, and your public relations image will also occur.
    • Final results will be announced by Friday, April 19, 2024.


    夏季时间表 for Twirlers
    日期 Title 位置 Time
    星期二,2024年8月13日 功能行进乐队指挥 Preseason Camp begins Move-in to residence halls & orientation at the Rockwern乐队中心 on UC Main Campus 整天