教师 & 人力资源

学生健康中心 is available to provide support if you are concerned about a student and have questions. 

教师 and staff can have a positive influence on student behavior, 包括酗酒和吸毒. Your impact can help UC students make 健康y decisions and succeed academically.

One way to support students is by identifying and referring students who may be at risk for substance use disorder. 作为教员或职员, you likely interact with students on a daily basis and may be the first to notice if a student is having personal struggles. 结果是, you could be in a position to connect students with resources, 即使他们的挣扎与酒精或毒品无关.



  • 在课堂上或课后闻到学生身上的酒精味.
  • 工作表现下降, 比如缺课, 迟交作业, 或者上课迟到.
  • 情绪变化,如易怒、防御和愤怒.
  • Hearing from another student that there might be a drinking or drug problem.
  • Often, a pattern of behavior is an indicator of a problem, not just a one-time occurrence. 


If you suspect that a student could have a substance use disorder, the first thing to do is communicate your concerns with the student. If you’re not quite sure what to say, you can reach out to a counselor at 帽 or UHS for advice. 在一个隐蔽的地方与学生见面, during a time where interruptions will be low and when you are not rushed. 建议的谈话要点如下.

  • Express your concern about the student by saying “I am concerned about you.”
  • 用不带评判的方式描述观察到的行为. 例如, “我担心你缺了多少课, 当你来上课的时候, 你注意力不集中,我能闻到你嘴里的酒味.”
  • 为使用资源的支持提供推荐. 例如,“帽对在校学生来说是一个很好的资源. 的y have trained professionals who can talk to you about your alcohol/drug use and can do an assessment to determine your level of risk. 他们也有 在线评估 如果你觉得从那里开始更舒服的话,你可以从那里开始.” Please note that you cannot force the student to seek resources or support; you can simply share the information and encourage the student to reach out for help.
  • 跟进看看学生的表现如何. 


  • Add information to your syllabus about the ways that alcohol and drug use can impact academic performance. 还可以包括和 分享熊狸康复社区的信息 在你的教学大纲上,通过和学生的电子邮件.
  • 避免发送关于酒精的混淆信息. 例如, do not cancel classes the day after large events where students might consume alcohol.
  • Discuss alcohol and drug use during academic advising sessions. This is a great time to help students explore the ways that their behaviors (both alcohol/drug-related and not) could be impacting them in and out of the classroom.
  • Take a few minutes in class or in meetings to discuss alcohol/drug-related events that might be in the media. This could also be a good time to share statistics about student alcohol and drug use—not all students at UC use alcohol or drugs, 如果他们这么做了, 他们以低风险的方式使用它们. Correcting this misperception could help students to change their behaviors.
  • Infuse alcohol and drug use and prevention into your curriculum. 酒精和药物的使用可以在经济学中加以探讨, 社会学, 健康, 犯罪学, 生物学, 还有政治科学课程, 举几个例子.
  • Encourage students to do papers and final projects on alcohol and drug use, 特别是当它涉及到大学生.
  • Share alcohol and drug prevention programming and events that are happening on campus. Help spread the word about ways that students can get involved and participate in substance-free activities on campus.
  • Get involved in the Campus-Community 酒精 and Other Drug Coalition. You can also encourage your colleagues and students to get more involved with the Coalition and in other ways on campus.
  • Make a referral to the CARE小组 or 帽 if you think a student needs additional support.

If you are interested in UC facts or ways to incorporate alcohol into your curriculum, please 联系学生健康中心.

Information adapted from the University of Scranton and the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.


C.A.R.E. 团队

C.A.R.E小组 responds to reports about students whose behavior is raising concerns within the University community. 团队的 危机流程图 can help you determine the appropriate actions to take in each case. 你可能也想 提交一份关注学生报告. Reportable behaviors may include Student Code of Conduct violations, 宿舍违规行为, a student who you feel may be struggling physically or psychologically, or any other behaviors of concern that you would like to see addressed or would like to discuss.

联系人: 助理院长丹尼尔·康明斯

咨询 & 心理服务(帽)

  提供了访问, 学生为中心, 包容, and effective mental 健康 services to UC students and they seek to actively foster a community of care at UC to support student success. 帽通过预防支持学生的成功, 培训和最大的博彩平台, 简短的治疗服务, 以及全天候的危机支持服务. 

办公室/24小时热线: 513-556-0648
地点: 卡尔霍恩街225号,200室


公共安全 at the 最大的博彩平台大学 is committed to providing a safe campus environment for students, 教师, 工作人员及访客.

办公室: 513-556-4900
非紧急号码: 513-556-1111 or 513-558-1111
地点: 爱德华兹3

性别平等办公室, & 纳入(第九条)

性别平等办公室, & 包容 leads the university in creating and maintaining a community in which all persons may participate in university programs and activities regardless of their sex, 性取向, 性别或性别认同和表达.

办公室: 513-556-3349
地点: 卡尔霍恩街225号ussquare 308号. 


大学保健处 综合性保健诊所是为学生开设的吗. All registered students can be seen at the facility and most insurance plans are accepted. 

办公室: 513-556-2564
地点: 林德纳体育中心,335室



体育运动 is committed to comprehensive excellence in the pursuit of creating meaningful academic, 为我们的学生运动员提供运动和社会体验. 


联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活

联谊会 & 联谊会生活(FSL) engages students and chapters through intellectual development, 慈善与服务, 社会责任与公民责任, 领导力发展, 并重视整合和个人成长.

办公室: 513-556-1155
地点: 斯特拉特福高地,低层16号楼

居民最大的博彩平台 & 发展

居民最大的博彩平台 & 开发(红色) is responsible to provide leadership in the development of a positive community within the residence halls. Most staff live in the residence halls along with the students. A team member is available 24 hours a day to provide emergency assistance if needed. 

办公室: 513-556-6476和 resedev@free-9.com
地点: 玛丽安·斯宾塞大厅2楼

学生的行为 & 社区标准(SCCS)

学生的行为 & 社区标准(SCCS) is dedicated to upholding the Bearcat Bond by Administering the Student Code of Conduct.

办公室: 513-556-6814
地点: Steger学生生活中心,557室


学生健康中心 empowers students to make informed decisions regarding their 健康 and wellness by providing evidence-based education, 包容的资源, 以及非评判性的支持.

办公室: 513-556-6124
地点: Steger学生生活中心480室